Gain Control of Your Health: 6 things to start doing immediately- Ashley Poptodorova


Hi Fitness friends and health buffs!
Alex and I wanted to provide you with our top 5 things that you can start doing immediately to gain control of your health. Remember, being healthy is so much more than just hitting the gym! It is about how you feed, nourish and care for your body. The overall “healthy lifestyle” is a must. These are simple tips that will help build a great foundation.

1) Drink Fresh Squeezed Lemon Water: Do this first thing in the am on an empty stomach. This is excellent for alkalizing your body, rehydrating and cleansing your system. It helps “wake” up your system gently before you start eating and drinking coffee.

2) Drink Raw Apple Cider Vinegar Daily: 1 tablespoon in 6-8 oz. of water. This can be done anytime throughout the day. You can also follow your lemon water with the ACV as well if that works best for you. The benefits of ACV are plentiful such as hydrating the body, helping to diminish hunger & curb cravings as well at it is great for digestion & gut health.

3) Start Juicing Daily: You do not need a fancy juicer or recipes. Simply juice a hydrating mix of lemon, celery and cucumber. We occasionally throw in a beet as well. This is wonderful for getting high quality nutrition to your cells. Make sure you are juicing organic produce as well!

4) Swap Sugar for Stevia: : Stevia is a plant based sweetener that doesn’t excite insulin the same way sugar does. A drop of stevia is 10 times sweeter than sugar so less is more! This will obviously help you in losing weight and feeling better but nixing sugar from your diet will add up well beyond any of that! You will find yourself with more energy, vigor and HEALTH in the long run!

5) Minimize Stress: We all have stress to some level. How you handle and process your stress can say a lot about your health. The more you stress the higher your risk of heart disease and other ailments. It is also a recipe for packing on fat. Try your best to stick to a schedule and minimize stressors in your life. These things will add up to major gains in your health dept.

6) Get your ZZZ’s: REST! This is an area that is often sacrificed in lieu of other things. We tend to think that we can cut down on our sleep in order to provide more hours in the day. The fact is, your body goes through very precise processes at night that help in building, repairing and replenishing. If you are not sleeping enough it will eventually cut down on your productivity in the long run as is a recipe for packing on fat as well.

Try these 6 simple tips for gaining control of your health! Living a healthy lifestyle is a process and journey that takes time. It does not happen overnight. Focus on these 6 things and build from there. You will be shocked at how quickly (and awesomely!!) your body responds.

Have questions? We welcome them. Leave your comment and Alex and I will gladly respond.

In health,

Everything I learned during my journey towards health – East Cobb Personal Trainer

Hello A+A Wellness friends and followers! 🙂

Where do I begin with such a post? I have learned so much in this past 10 years of my life it is incredible! I started my journey (as most of you know) at 208 pounds. I grew up with various types of abuse throughout my life and the final straw I believe was being entangled and trapped in a physically and verbally abusive relationship for 5 years. It was singlehandedly the worst (and best) thing to happen to me because the awful predicament I was trapped in forced me to take ACTION in my life! During this time I found pleasure and peace in nothing. The only thing I could (or could not now that I think of it) control was what I chose to put in my mouth.

I ate away my feelings. I found pleasure in nothing but food. I could not go out, couldn’t have friends, couldn’t even walk next door without calling my abuser to tell him where I was. Seeing my weakness and knowing I could not say NO, my abuser often made me cookies, bought ice cream and continued to try to keep me OVERWEIGHT (morbidly) and unhappy! Until the very end (even when I started pursuing health, he would make cookies and hold them in front of my face saying “You know you can’t say NO”).

Couple this horrible situation with a tremendous amount of emotional pain that I carried in my heart from “life” itself, left me completely spiraling out of control. I had not only allowed my physical self to go, I was denying that I had pain in my heart just festering inside of me and it was only a matter of time until it destroyed me.

I will never forget the day that I went to a local store (one of the few places I was “allowed” to go alone) and on the way in decided to weigh myself. The # that spit back at me stopped me in my tracks. My life flashed before me and I was left standing there in complete shock staring at the big bold “208”. What had I done to myself?

I remember clear as day making a decision in THAT MOMENT. I turned and walked out of the store and cried the entire way. I sat in my car for 30 minutes just bawling. Years of frustration, pain, emotional hurts, ANGER (LOTS!) just poured out of me. I put the keys in the ignition and started that little red car and beelined for home. I had NO earthly clue how I would do it! I had ZERO support or resources (and you could FORGET a gym membership!).

I was paralyzed with fear from my abuser who threatened to kill me (explicitly told me how) if I left and I knew that getting healthy was going to be a journey of which he absolutely would not support. I remember telling him that I was going to get healthy and there was nothing he could do to stop me. For me, it was about taking back control. I FELT SO OUT OF CONTROL.

What happened next was sheer desire, will and determination. With no tools, no gym membership and absolutely ZERO clue as to how, I decided to lose weight and get healthy. I made a CHOICE. I decided that I was much too tired of feeling the way I felt to continue to stay there. This leads me to my first point.

1) You do not have to have it all together! Just take the step! If you can hire professionals great but if you cannot this is fine too! Do not allow this to be a crutch or excuse for staying where you are right now. This world is full of information online, websites, books, gyms. You CAN if you want too! I strongly believe that part of my journey was to not have the resources, just the sheer will. I found a way. Even though it was not optimal, it was a start and because of this start, I gained strength, confidence and COURAGE to face my abuser. When I say “getting healthy saved my life” I mean this very literally.

2)  I had to put down the cookies and stop buying the ice cream. I had to stop frequenting the places that caused trigger reactions in me. So many people mention “moderation” to me in the beginning of their journeys but for some, there is NO such thing! It takes overcoming these triggers and cravings sometimes before you add them back in. Take for instance an alcoholic, you won’t say ‘Just one beer a night’ or take a drug addict, you would not say “Just one hit per night” …. NO! They must abstain! The very same thing goes for food addiction. It is a serious thing.

I can honestly say that today, I have overcome food addiction but it took saying NO for a long time! Guess what else too? If I ate the conventional junk that I used to LIVE on, I would literally get sick! Seriously! Today, I enjoy grain free baking, clean eating and pure wholesome foods (and yes desserts) that feed and nourish my body.

3) Ask yourself the serious questions. When I faced my life and my health.. I had to be HONEST with myself, brutally honest. What had I done that contributed to where I was? How was I going to overcome it? What were my reasons for living? You better answer these and know these answers because they are the very things that will keep you going when you feel like you cannot! They will be your reserve when your gas tank is on E friends.

4) Stop believing the lies. Oh my goodness, to think of it makes me want to scream at shout! I was fed soooo many lies my entire life! I believed that I was not worth it, that I didn’t have what it took, that I was weak, unloved, unworthy… you name it! These were like little signs that just hung over my head (all day…. every day).  What are your signs? What are the lies that you are being told or that you are being told? It is time to confront these head on! You will never get healthy (emotionally or physically) if you do not. You have to get to the ROOT of the problem and the root for me wasn’t food. Food was an effect. What was the cause? I had to really dig deep and make some very serious changes in my life.

5) You better surround yourself with those who love, respect, encourage and build you up! My abuser was horrible and each day that I got healthier I got BOLDER until one day, I had the courage to face him and tell him that I was done with him!  I meant it too. Despite the threats of killing me and all. Heck, I even asked myself THAT question. Would I rather die than stay with him? When I answered YES, I knew I had to go. I was willing to flip the coin and I told him so. To this day, I can’t believe what a coward he was as he slithered, squirmed and begged me to stay.

6) Forgive yourself and forgive them: sometimes the hardest times we face with forgiveness are not for others but for ourselves! Allow yourself to forgive (whatever it is that is holding you back) or continually feeding the lies in your head. Forgive those who hurt you. Forgiveness is about YOU, not them. It sets YOU FREE. I had to go back and forgive many people in my life. People that I loved dearly, people who were supposed to love and protect me. That forgiveness what the very thing that started to allow God to penetrate my heart and bring healing.

Long story short, getting healthy gave me the courage to take my life back! It allowed me to open myself up for the GREAT things God had planned for me (and my goodness were they great!) like meeting the love of my life, Alex.

When I met Alex I was “broken”…. this is the best way I can describe myself. I opened myself up to loving and being loved again but I was terrified, scared and just a mess. I was malnourished in a BIG way and I was pretty depleted but remember, I did what I could, with what I had, right where I was at.

This is huge peeps! Sometimes we feel we need it “all together” to start. This is so false. After meeting Alex, I look back and know that God had this plan all along for A+A Wellness. He knew that our strengths and weaknesses were perfect for each other and that together, He (The Lord) would use them ALL to help others. He used my testimony and my struggles to relate to others (He will do this for you too!) and He used Alex’s knowledge to help people truly change.

Allow yourself to start fresh and anew. You have great things planned for you and you can do this. I think that my STRONG belief in others is because I lived through the worst of it and God brought me through. ONLY through Him ultimately did I achieve true health and healing. Today, my passion, joy, love for life and gifts are simply because I trusted Him and He gave me the best.

Allow the “best” of your life to be right now. Choose to be ALL that you were created to be and value your health. If I can end with anything, it is this. Health is not selfish. It is not about vanity. It is about quality of life, longevity, true vibrancy and giving your BEST to those you love. Do it because you care for those in your life.

I hope this helps. Just a few things I have learned along the way!

Hugs, health and tons of blessings.








Weight loss vs. Fat loss and why you WANT nice lean muscle- A+A Wellness, East Cobb & Roswell Personal Trainer and Nutrition Experts


I am really excited about this post! It is time to clear up the misconceptions behind the “fear” of building muscle. This is something  I cover daily with our team and it is an article that I hope helps to shed some light. There is a big difference between weight loss and FAT loss. I will go in-depth on this as well.

One common concern I hear daily is women that tell me they do not want to “bulk” up. Fear not ladies, unless you are incorporating some additional things into your repertoire, this is not going to happen. Weight training is by far one of the best things you can do for your body for multiple reasons.

Lets first start by covering the WEIGHT LOSS vs. FAT LOSS difference.

Weight loss is simply wanting to lower your bodyweight, the sum weight of your body fat, muscles, organs and bones. Many people get caught up in the # on the scale but lose sight of the fact that they can be more FIT, toned and FIRM than ever by focusing on lowering their body fat % and building nice lean muscle.

FAT loss on the other hand is a very different thing. This is lower your body fat itself or the total amount of fat your body carries.  When you focus on FAT loss this mentality helps you to shift from focusing on the scale to focusing on overall HEALTH and body fat percentage.

Whats the difference?

There is a BIG difference. When you focus on weight loss alone this can vary greatly day-to-day depending on many things including water retention, proper elimination, food consumption etc.

Visually, you can have two people with the SAME weight but vastly different looks because one carries less body fat than the other. Let me show you this picture (which is one of my favorite examples) of a girl at two different weights. She had a higher body fat % at her lower weight and a lower body fat % at her higher weight. She looks more defined, fit and toned at a heavier weight and her clothes sizes are SMALLER all because she has nice lean muscle and a lower overall body fat %. You can actually SEE her abs at her higher weight vs. having a smoother pouch at her lower weight.  Check it out:


Let me highlight this, if you have extreme fat loss that is needed or you are well above your “healthy” weight, you will still lose on the scale! It just may take a bit longer while your body goes through the necessary phase of “building muscle” and “burning fat”. This is crucial to understand. The key is to shift your mentality from being scale focused to being “body fat” focused.

There are numerous benefits besides toning up and looking great that muscle offers the body. Check out this great diagram and why FAT LOSS is where it’s at:


The pure benefits of muscle are astounding yet when you are “weight loss” focused alone, you may miss out on them. Losing muscle has many negative effects on the body including decreased strength, poor performance, decreased fitness, MUCH less toned body, early aging, reduced immunity and more.

If you want to be firm and toned then you want to focus on FAT LOSS and building muscle. This will give your body the pleasing aesthetics you desire.

Remember this as well, MUSCLE occupies much less space than fat! Check out this picture below for example:


The point of this article is to promote FAT LOSS plus nice lean muscle. After all, it is about so much more than just losing on the scale, it is about ultimate health and vitality.

Just focusing on the SCALE with no real idea of your body fat % or ratios is like aiming in the dark. Keep a proper perspective by knowing and understanding the many benefits of nice lean muscle as well as the benefits of fat loss. Alex and I strive to teach our team this very concept not just by focusing on the amount of weight they lose but instead by helping them to lower their overall body fat percentage. This is a win win for many reasons including those stated above. We do a 9 site body composition analysis once every 3-4 weeks to give them a real idea of what is happening with their bodies.

I hope this helps you to understand more about why you WANT muscle and helps to get you away from the scale dilemma. Weighing yourself each and every day (multiple times per day) will truly only mess with your head unless you have a real idea of what is going on with your body.

Do not be afraid to hit the gym and pick up those weights, ladies this goes for you too! I started my journey at 208 pounds and lost 80 pounds. Today, I will pick weight training over the treadmill any day. It does not mean there are not benefits to both but with weights you are building, shaping AND increasing your metabolism (thus burning MORE FAT!) for hours after an intense session.

If you are looking for further FAT LOSS, jump on and do some cardio after but do not be afraid of incorporating weight training into your daily routine.

Here is to a fit, strong, toned YOU!

For more information check us out at or connect with us on Facebook at


East Cobb Personal Trainer- When is the best time to workout?

This is perhaps one of the most often asked questions at A+A Wellness. When is the BEST time to workout? This is a very valid question too and it involves a multi faceted approach to determine the best time for YOU.

Your body has something called its “Circadian Rhythm” which ultimately determines whether you will be an Early Bird or a Night Owl. Your bodies circadian rhythm is governed by the 24 hour pattern of the Earths rotation.
This rhythm can determine your bodies functions such as:

**Blood Pressure
**Body Temperature
**Hormone Levels
**Heart Rate

All of the above play a crucial role as to how “ready” your body is for exercise. The key is to first and foremost, listen to your body!
Ask yourself the following questions to help determine the most optimal time for you to exercise:

**Do you rise pretty easily in the morning or is it hard to wake up?
**Do you wake up feeling fresh?
**Do you tend to stay up late, watching tv, or do you tend to be in bed at a regular time?
**Do you feel more energized after work or tired and ready for bed?

After asking yourself these questions and answering them… take a look at your overall schedule. Do you have many demands after work? Picking up kids, soccer practice, dinner prep etc?
Be as honest as you can with yourself because finding your optimal time for fitness is KEY! If you end up trying a time that does not work or a time with which you have lots of distractions… you are more likely to fall off!
The key is to find a time that allows you to FULLY MAXIMIZE this time! :) This way, you reach your goals and develop a habit.

Planning ahead (PLAN!) is key. Each weekend, I write out my schedule for the week and I include my fitness time within each day. I also include my writing time and time for other appointments. It is CRUCIAL to understand that in the beginning you must be very diligent in writing out your schedule and literally including your time for EXERCISE just as you would a Doctors appointment. If you just “wing” it friends you are setting yourself up for failure, sadly. Randomness can come once you have DEVELOPED the habit for exercise. For instance, an athlete or avid exerciser may use “random” times or varied workouts to mix it up and break boredom. You don’t want to chance this in the beginning. Consistency is key.

If you are trying to develop consistency, research shows that working out in the morning is best and most likely to help you develop the habit. The morning also happens to be the time of day where we are least likely to be faced with distractions, late meetings etc.
If you are concerned with insomnia causing you to hit the SNOOZE button rethink your evening routine. Remember, you are creating new habits and this just may require you make adjustments elsewhere.

For instance, if you tend to stay up late watching television consider a different bedtime routine. Instead, read yourself to sleep and sip on soothing chamomile tea. All of these things will eventually help your body to fall asleep faster. You will wake rested and ready to hit that workout instead of sleeping in!

Setting yourself up for success ultimately requires planning. You have to plan your evenings and your day ahead of time. Creating the proper mindset is ultimately what will allow you to succeed.
For instance, you will never see me randomly planning my week. I plan every detail (except my weekends when I relax) such as my training hours, meeting hours, writing/blogging time and exercise!

It is often times noticed that people plan the family schedules, practices, etc and just “assume” they will be able to fit in their exercise time “somewhere”. If you have not yet developed the ROUTINE and HABIT of working out… chances are, you will miss your workout 90% of the time! Do not leave this to chance.

Are you not sure of your Circadian Rhythm or where you feel you would best fit in your fitness time? Consider working out morning, noon and night to see which feels best. Which one allowed you the MOST time with the LEAST distractions?
It is ok to allow time for trial and error friends. Remember, you are creating a VERY IMPORTANT habit and this may take some time. It is ok.

This is also another HUGE reason why hiring a fitness professional is key. We are able to help you find out which times work best and we also provide accountability during the most crucial time-the beginning! It is easy to give up sometimes if you don’t have an appointment so consider fitness professionals like Alex and I. We can help get you past the first hump of developing this habit. We can also see you well on your way to a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE! Info located in the “About Us” section.

We hope this blog helped you to better identify with what times work best for you to workout or at least a plan for finding out yourself!
Above all, set yourself up for success! YOU CAN DO IT! Believe that you can and set up your plan. If you need anything, we are here!

In health,
Alex and Ashley Poptodorov


Use the fall and winter months to get in the best shape of your life! :)



Hello Fitness friends!

Alex and I just  LOVE this time of year, something about the fall weather and the “feel” in the air that just screams HOLIDAYS! Most people tend to “fall” off during this time of year when it comes to reaching their fitness and nutrition goals. However, I am hoping that you reconsider your options this upcoming Holiday season after reading this post. There is so much you can do during this time of year to gain momentum! It all depends on how much you want to reach your goals.

The fall and winter months are the time  of year that goals usually get shuffled under the rug. However, these are actually the BEST months to workout!! Did you know that this weather is actually shown to increase energy? This is the perfect time of year to get outdoors and get active! Whether you take a brisk walk, a bike ride or exercise with your trainer,  the weather is PERFECT!

The second reason this is the best time to workout is TIME. Most people tend to get a little bit more “off time” during these months. Take advantage of your free time and extra days off to commit to your goals! Not only will you feel better and be steps closer to your goals, this “workout” time will give you the needed ENERGY to rock your Holiday “to do” list!

You can propel yourself towards your goals starting NOW! At the very least, you can maintain so come January, you don’t have an extra 10 pounds on top of what you already want to lose. This time of year includes more family get togethers and parties than any other time of year. FOOD is a common staple at every party and it truly makes it tougher to maintain or reach goals. However, if you want it bad enough … YOU CAN! All it takes is a little bit of planning and research.

Start considering healthy Holiday options and recipes! You can set the pace by bringing your “clean eating” goodies to these Holiday parties. Not only will your options cause the party goers to rave but they will allow you to enjoy the Holidays while still enjoying delicious options. What a great feeling! Enjoy the sights, smells and tastes of the Holidays ALL while reaching your goals!

For example, instead of noshing on buckets of Halloween candy,  opt to pass out healthier options so the “junk” is not in your home. Remember, if the temptation is there, you will likely give in to it.

I would suggest sticking to a Holiday TO DO list. At the top of the list put your daily workout and keep a nutritional log. Allow yourself limited cheat meals and options throughout the week. Remember, this is all about balance and a healthy LIFESTYLE. Restriction only leads to failure. You can enjoy healthier choices and options throughout the Holidays but keep your goals at the top of your list and do something small each day to reach those goals! Come January, you will be refreshed and ready to ROCK!!

Here are some other quick considerations to help you in building momentum this Holiday season:

**If you are the one doing the cooking/baking EAT BEFOREHAND! If you are hungry… YOU will be your own best taste tester! Before you know it there will be “knocks at the door” and no Holiday cookies! UGH OH! Eat some fresh fruit beforehand or a fresh vibrant salad. The hungrier you are when you bake the more you will eat and the worse you will feel later! Make sure you are satiated prior to baking in the kitchen.

**Get plenty of rest! Keep in mind that you can only do what you can do. Keep the pressure off by setting a reasonable “to do” list each day and staying within your limits. Rest peacefully each night (YOU BURN TONS OF FAT THIS WAY!!) and you will be rested to tackle the whole Holiday season with energy!

**BYOK- BRING YOUR OWN KOMBUCHA! Did you know that sugary alcoholic drinks are responsible for LOADS of calories and gained weight each Holiday season? This does not mean you can’t enjoy the Holiday spirits, just do so in moderation! Allow yourself one (or two depending on how much you typically drink) beverages and then switch to the Kombucha! If you have not heard of this fermented drink.. YOU MUST TRY IT! It has a taste and carbonation similar to a wine cooler. This “wonder” drink is loaded with good healthy for your belly! Now you can enjoy this (put it in a glass for the placebo effect!) while doing something good for that body of yours!

Remember friends, this is a time of year to enjoy friends, family and gatherings as well as good food! There are SO many awesome blogs/sites with clean eating fall and winter recipes. You CAN enjoy the Holidays while respecting your body AND your goals! Just set your boundaries. WRITE OUT YOUR GOALS and commit to a HEALTHY HOLIDAY SEASON!

As we creep into October, these are some things to be thinking about. Proper preparation prevents failure!

Here is to a beautiful fall and upcoming Holiday season!
In health,
Alex and Ashley

A+A Wellness

Goal setting for success with Alex and Ashley Poptodorov



Goal Setting. Two simple words that pack a lot of meaning. How many of us KNOW about goal setting (we think about it) but rarely put it into practice?
I could safely say that would be the majority of people. Today, I want to go in depth on GOAL SETTING FOR SUCCESS. YOU have the ability to reach your goals if you take the proper steps beyond just “thinking” about them.
My hopes is that by the end of this post you will be so EXCITED to ignite your inner GOAL SETTING ABILITY!

Have you ever stopped to think about how important goal setting really is? Each day MANY thoughts cross our minds including things we wish for, desire and “want”. However, most of these things are but a thought. We rush about in our daily pursuits and never really stop to evaluate and go beyond the thinking.

Our thoughts, desires and wishes can tell us much about ourselves but if we are too rushed or negligent with these thoughts they are in danger of being abandoned for the next thing that steals our attention. I encourage you to take some serious time to not only read this post, but to do the follow up homework as well. Sitting in a quiet environment alone with your thoughts and pen, is key.

The first most important component to goal setting is to sit down and WRITE OUT everything that you wish for, hope for and want to strive for. WRITE OUT YOUR GOALS. If you are new at this, which I am sure many of you are, do not be too difficult on yourself. This is not about perfection, this is about learning what you want and creating a plan to GET THERE. Perfectionism in goal setting can lead nowhere.

When I do this, I like to categorize my thoughts by personal goals, professional goals and spiritual goals. After you’ve got various thoughts written within each of these categories (or any categories you prefer to use) then it is time to create even SMARTER goals.

Take each goal and break it down into the following:

smart (smarter) goal setting


*Specific- this allows you to clearly VISUALIZE what it is you want.
*Measurable- How can you track or measure the progress you are making? Perhaps have an accountability parter who measures you etc. (thinking fitness)
*Agreed- make sure that these goals are agreed upon by YOU. It is key to understand that goal setting according to what someone else wants for you, will never lead to real success. You must be setting goals that you agree to and deeply desire to reach.
*Realistic- break your goals down into smaller SHORT term goals and be realistic. Take myself for instance, I once weighed 208 pounds. If I said “I want to lose 80 pounds by next month” it is safe to say this would be an unrealistic goal. However, by saying: Ok- my long term goal is to lose 80 pounds. I want to lose 2 pounds per week, would be considered a more realistic short term goal.
*Time bound. Make sure you give yourself daily “check ins” that are time bound. Weekly, monthly etc and then try to have a date (make sure it is REALISTIC) for your long term goal. Remember, as you go- YOU CAN ADJUST!!
*Ethical- Goes without saying. Be ethical with yourself during this process.
*Recorded- record EVERYTHING! Have a journal and record your progress and any additional info.

Now that you have formulated your thoughts on paper, categorized and fine tuned them, it is time for the next crucial component to goal setting.

MAKING THEM VISIBLE! When I was on my journey to losing 80 pounds, I had my goals typed up and I kept these in several places. On the bathroom mirror, fridge, car and a copy in my bag. I was not messing around! ;) Goals have to be read daily and VISIBLE otherwise, what is the point?
Have you ever heard of the saying “out of sight, out of mind”? You never want your goals out of sight.

As you progress towards reaching your goals friends, things will come up. Things may not always go as planned. Goals can be tweaked and adjusted frequently.
Just know that your goals are like a “road map” if you will. You can take a wrong turn but if you do, you will have the map to show you how to get back on track.

Friends, GOAL SETTING and ACCOUNTABILITY are key. All too often we get caught up in just mindlessly going about our days. Goal setting is a way for you to SEE and VERBALIZE exactly what you want! :)

I encourage you to start thinking and planning out your goals today! Follow the steps above and stick to it. A well defined goal is a great catalyst to helping YOU ACHIEVE!

If you have any questions we are always here!
In health.
Alex and Ashley Poptodorov

Healthy Recipe! Power packed salad and homemade avocado dressing.





Nothing screams health like vibrant reds, oranges, yellows and greens! Alex and I decided to get in the spirit of the long Labor Day weekend and whip up a healthy dinner that our whole family could enjoy! We made a huge vibrant salad, homemade avocado dressing and bought two organic rotisserie chickens.

I want to share this quick and easy recipe for the salad and dressing. It makes a nice addition to your healthy family meal and is a good way to get in all of your colors.

The salad was very simple. I chopped up fresh local peppers in every color, celery, strawberries, onion, heirloom tomatoes and mixed it with fresh organic spinach. It was delicious! You can add extra vegetables that you like as well but the key is to add as many colors as you can.

Instead of the usual preservative packed dressings (some of these can really sabotage your goals!) we opted to make our own fresh homemade salad dressing. It came out perfect! The right consistency and packed with good HEALTHY fats.

Here is the recipe for our Avocado Dressing:

1/2 cup of first cold pressed extra virgin (real!) olive oil

1 ripe avocado

1/2 cup fresh squeezed lemon

1/2 cup raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar

1 teaspoon Himalayan salt

A dash of Frontier herbs mexican seasoning

Blend ingredients in your blender or Nutri-Bullet and voila!

You have a healthy dressing that will add great flavor to your salad.

Remember friends, the key is to get creative in the kitchen and do not be afraid to play around with ingredients.

You will be surprised at how delicious eating healthy can be! 🙂

Until next time!


(Your healthy lifestyle educators!)



Above pic is Ashley touring a farm with Alex! We love learning about gardening and growing food!

Squash excuses and bring yourself steps closer to success!


Really… think about this. Why is it that we bombard ourselves with excuses and sabotage our goals that mean so much to us? I am going to challenge you today to think “outside of the box” and really reflect on your health and what it is you want.

I can’t even begin to tell you the myriad of excuses I have heard throughout my years as a Fitness Professional. Many times, these excuses are ROAD BLOCKS that will prevent people from EVER being able to achieve what it is they want. You see, if you want your BODY to respond, you must get your MIND on board!

The GREAT news is that you CAN turn your thinking around to work FOR YOU instead of AGAINST YOU!

Now, in the beginning, most people do not even realize they are making so many excuses. Often times, it becomes SO ingrained in us, that naturally “derailing” ourselves goes unnoticed! What are some of the MOST common excuses? I want to highlight these so that you can pinpoint whether or not you may be using these to “self sabotage” without even knowing it!

**Time! Everyone mentions this. In fact, timing IS an issue (we all have to budget our time!!) but what and HOW you think about your health will allow you to make the necessary allowances for your time. If you start to hold your HEALTH with the same level of priority you do your APPOINTMENTS, work etc. you will MAKE THE TIME. It becomes a part of WHO you are and what you do, get it?

** The dreaded “I can’t because” …. any time you start a sentence with “I can’t” you are setting yourself up to NOT do something, before you even try, you are telling yourself WHY it is not possible!! Make sense? What and HOW you speak to yourself (especially regarding your goals!) is KEY! Start out by saying “I know I can because” OR “Even though I am unable to do a push up now, I know I will be able to after I start a regular exercise routine”

** I don’t have the ENERGY! WOW!! But guess what HEALTHY LIVING does? It GIVES you the energy! Instead of focusing on what you DO NOT have in this case, try switching it around to say “I value my health and desire more energy. I know that exercise and clean eating will help me increase my energy so I am going to do it!” Just look at that. Instead of starting out with a NEGATIVE you are acknowledging the “lack thereof” but also acknowledging and REAFFIRMING what it is you need to do to reach your desired outcome!

I am sure at this point you are getting the BIG picture. EXCUSES are naturally LIMITING and NEGATIVE. The more we make, the quicker we get on the fast track to FAILING at our goals. It is tough, I know, but true.

The key is to really think about your health and your GOALS. I just did a whole blog post not long ago that went IN DEPTH on goal setting. Once you have your goals thought out, written out and POSTED you will have a better idea of what it is you want.

The NEXT step is to be very (VERY!) aware of your thoughts and what/how you say things. Start to be an EXCUSE SQUASHER and if you find yourself making one, back up and start over! You can always do REDO’s! In fact, when you start out in pursuit of your healthy lifestyle, you will have struggles. However, this is where YOU GET STRONGER! Start to become so aware of your thoughts that you actually START TO THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK them! Did you know that we are so used to not being present that we are not even fully aware of how LIMITING our self talk is?

I hope I have given you some insight into EXCUSES and how badly they can wreak havoc on your goals!!
If you really value your health AND your goals, you will find a way. Oh, this reminds me “I know… but…” NO! There is no “but”…  if you want it, you will make the necessary allowance of time and positive “thought space” to make it happen!


In health,

Ashley Poptodorova


My tips for staying motivated to lose 80 pounds! If you struggle with motivation, this post is for YOU!


Hello friends and fellow fitness buffs!

Today’s blog post is one that I know firsthand is extremely important! When I started on my journey to health (I lost 80 pounds!!) I needed as much motivation as possible. Almost instinctively, I started to employ techniques that helped me to gain long-term motivation to be able to lose the weight and to keep up with my healthy lifestyle forever. I don’t think that you ever stop doing these things either. I believe that preparing your “motivational” arsenal is a key part to being able to adopt a healthy lifestyle change (forever) which is what most people really desire! 🙂 So important, in fact, that I decided to dedicate an entire blog post to staying motivated! Below, I will detail my tips/tricks and habits that I have created through my own personal journey as well as throughout my years as a Fitness Professional.

So, what is motivation? Out of curiosity for how it was defined, I looked it up. This is what I found:

1) The reason or reasons one has for behaving in a particular way.

2) The general desire or willingness of someone to do something.

I want to spend a little bit of extra time on this because I found it interesting.  #1 stated the “reason” or “reasons” one has for behaving in a particular way. Have you sat down to really analyze and lay out your REASONS for getting healthy? This is one of the biggest (and most often missed) steps in a persons journey.

I once had someone close to me say “Ashley, you never want to fire, ready, aim” and this really stuck with me. Preparing for success means laying the GROUNDWORK. What is the groundwork? I can’t think of anything more appropriate than securing your reasons and developing well-defined goals. When you know your “reasons” for doing something, it makes sticking to it that much easier!

#2 suggests the general “desire” or “willingness” of someone to do something. If you are willing to put forth the work and effort to achieve your goals you WILL! However, employing some very simple and effective daily motivational habits will help a great deal!

In my own personal journey, I found that it took more than just “desire” to reach my goal! I had to embark on the grueling task of changing my habits, thought patterns, daily routine and overall lifestyle. When “bad” habits are so ingrained, this is no easy feat. It takes really employing some specific visuals to keep you reminded of just what (and WHY!) you are on this journey.

Here are the basics for getting (and staying) motivated:

**SET WELL DEFINED SHORT & LONG TERM GOALS- think of these as your map. Your goals tell you where you are going. One common mistake people make is ONLY setting the long-term goal. This is like prepping for a marathon and only focusing on the very last mile. Short term goals (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) help you to stay focused, driven and motivated towards the LONG term goal!

A good short-term goal may be: “Month one, I will stop drinking cokes and replace with water”… as you accomplish this first short-term goal – have a small reward (NOT FOOD!!) set in place. Is it a new pair of workout shoes? Perhaps a subscription to your favorite fitness mag? Whatever it is, make sure it motivates you and gets you excited to keep going!

**KNOW YOUR REASONS. WOW. I can’t stress this enough! Your reasons are your main source of motivation! Do not just “know” them but write them down and keep them everywhere! Keep a list on your bathroom mirror, a note posted to your fridge. Reasons and GOALS should never be far out of sight. Remember, out of sight-out of mind. You need to have visuals of what you are doing and why. On the tough days, this will keep you pushing towards your goals.

**KEEP A JOURNAL- I know people who love this and others, well… not so much. Either way, in the beginning this is crucial. You are held accountable by what you write down. Be open and honest and track everything. What you eat, how you slept the night before, how your mood is. Not only will this help you in developing “patterns” and recognizing “weak” areas it will keep you very aware of what you are eating. You may start to notice patterns that take place when you do not sleep well (perhaps this results in you missing a workout etc). Basically, you can play detective through your journaling to start to better understand yourself and what does (and does not) work for you.

Understanding your body and your habits are key. When I embarked on my journey, keeping a journal really held me accountable to my food intake. I struggled with portion control and food addiction so this really helped open my eyes and kept me on track!

**MAKE A VISION BOARD- I am such a huge advocate of vision boards! I do one every time I feel I need an extra push and with each new year comes a new vision board! Did you know that MOST people are very “visual” beings?? What we surround ourselves with and what we “see” daily has the ability to motivate, encourage and inspire us straight to our goals! How cool is that?!

Your vision board can be as simple or fancy as you like. It is a collection of words/pictures and visuals made into a collage that reminds you of what your dreams, goals and passions are. They are so simple (and FUN!!) to make. Just get a poster board, scissors, tape/glue and a great big stack of your favorite magazines! I love doing “life” vision boards as well as “health” vision boards! When you are done, you will have a handy piece of art to hang on your wall as a constant reminder of what you are doing and what you are aiming for!!

As a side note, this makes for a FUN family night or girls night out! What better way than to eat healthy snacks and chat with your friends/family sharing goals and dreams?

**ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNERS– Whether it is your friend, spouse, neighbor or personal trainer…. YOU NEED SOMEONE TO HELP HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE! Tell your partner what your goals are and ask for their help in remaining accountable. This way, if you feel like you are slacking your partner can be there to remind and encourage you! We all need this. Be careful to choose a partner who will take your goals as seriously as you. Whoever is willing to help has to step up and be honest when the time comes that you need it (and you WILL need it!). I am honored to be an accountability partner to many and I LOVE this! I get so much pleasure from seeing my clients succeed at adopting healthy lifestyles.

**DECORATE YOUR REFRIGERATOR Put up pics of you “before” and what your goals are after! Have your reasons and goals (mentioned earlier) posted on the fridge. Food is NOT the culprit. It is our overconsumption of food and food choices that can lead to our demise. If you are eating because you really are hungry and it is time to eat great. However, if you are mindlessly eating having a decorated fridge will force you to do one last gut check before you dive in. 🙂

These are some of the most common tips I used to stay motivated and I use them time and time again with my clients to keep them on track and reaching goals! I encourage you today to seek out your reasons for getting healthy, set your goals, start keeping a food journal, make a vision board, find an accountability partner and decorate your fridge! I promise you that these visuals will help to keep you motivated and encouraged to keep on!

In closing, just remember this… YOU are worth it and your goals are worth it! You deserve to live a healthy, happy and optimal life full of energy! My healthy lifestyle paid me back twenty times over what I had to give up! What I GAINED by getting healthy far outweighed the temporary struggles I had to face. Each day is a fresh day. Keep a positive attitude and a strong WILL…. you will succeed!

Until next time, here is to living a healthy and happy life. Blessings!

Ashley Poptodorova

A+A Wellness


Practical ways to live the “healthy life” for you and your family!



Hello fitness fans and friends! 🙂
As always, it is such a pleasure to be back here blogging for you. I will keep this post short and sweet. I would like to offer up some practical ways to make wise nutritional choices for yourself and your family.

How many times has “eating healthy” left you scratching your head? What do you do? Where do you even begin? This road can be so daunting and task paved at times. There are so many offers, products, gimmicks and food choices being marketed and thrown at us DAILY. It can overwhelm anyone.

For starters, I would suggest taking an assessment of what your goals for your health are. Knowing in detail those things you desire to attain with your health will keep you focused and driven to make wise choices consistently! Remember, being consistent and persistent in this journey are key.

Below are some of my proven (used them with clients many times) ways to make smart nutritional choices in your household. Enjoy and be sure to let me know if you have any questions! 😉

1) Start small. So many people feel like they have to overhaul their lifestyle overnight. Really understanding yourself on this journey is KEY. If you are the type that can quit anything cold turkey with success, great! However, you are few and far between.
Most people give up and get easily dejected if they don’t ease into it!
One of the TOP reasons for people giving up is that they become overwhelmed. Today, I encourage you to start slowly and really look at making LONG term LIFESTYLE changes. Pace yourself for SUCCESS.

2) WRITE YOUR GOALS. This is one of THE biggest factors that contributes to the success of any program but especially your life. Alex and I are constantly encouraging our clients to write their goals, dreams and aspirations. Want to do a pull up? Write it! Want to change your life through changing your food? Write it! You get the picture. That which gets written, often gets done.
Next, post your goals where you can easily see them! On the fridge, in the car, bathroom mirror. These are places you frequent. Make sure your goals are written.

3) One of the most difficult things I encounter is parents looking to create healthy lifestyle changes throughout their family. Do not worry, you are not alone in this. However, one of the BIGGEST things you can do to ensure success is number one, DO IT yourself. Your family almost always follows your lead.
Secondly, INVOLVE the family. Anything laid down as law is often repelled and not received well. Involve the spouse and children by asking for suggestions and getting them excited about their health.
Let everyone pick their favorite recipes to try each night of the week. Each night, a different family member gets to “reveal” their healthy meal, what they substituted etc. YOU can create the greatest impact by making them a part of this journey instead of INSISTING they do it. 🙂

4) Patience is a virtue. We live in a society that wants it NOW. Like, yesterday! We must rid ourselves of the quick approach and understand that creating a healthy lifestyle in such an unhealthy world, takes time.
Encourage your family to do the best they can and if they mess up, guess what? It is OK!
Pick up, dust off and keep going.

Above all, remember, YOU are all you have. To be healthy, optimal and full of energy for your family, you NEED your health. Encourage each other daily and above all, enjoy the journey!

Blessings and health,
Alex and Ashley Poptodorov
A+A Wellness